05 July 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 05 July 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1913.00 1903.50 9.50 1919.00 1913.50 5.50
Al Alloy 1655.00 1635.00 20.00 1665.00 1645.00 20.00
NASAAC 1845.50 1840.50 5.00 1870.00 1865.00 5.00
Copper 5818.00 5847.00 -29.00 5848.50 5875.00 -26.50
Lead 2245.00 2272.00 -27.00 2267.00 2293.00 -26.00
Nickel 9065.00 9125.00 -60.00 9120.00 9170.00 -50.00
Tin 20200.00 20300.00 -100.00 19950.00 19955.00 -5.00
Zinc 2767.00 2766.00 1.00 2768.00 2770.00 -2.00

04 July 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 04 July 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1903.50 1917.50 -14.00 1913.50 1922.00 -8.50
Al Alloy 1635.00 1630.00 5.00 1645.00 1640.00 5.00
NASAAC 1840.50 1841.00 -0.50 1865.00 1870.00 -5.00
Copper 5847.00 5894.00 -47.00 5875.00 5917.00 -42.00
Lead 2272.00 2284.00 -12.00 2293.00 2309.00 -16.00
Nickel 9125.00 9370.00 -245.00 9170.00 9410.00 -240.00
Tin 20300.00 20300.00 0.00 19955.00 20025.00 -70.00
Zinc 2766.00 2780.00 -14.00 2770.00 2785.00 -15.00

03 July 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 03 July 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1917.50 1908.50 9.00 1922.00 1915.00 7.00
Al Alloy 1630.00 1610.00 20.00 1640.00 1620.00 20.00
NASAAC 1841.00 1840.00 1.00 1870.00 1860.00 10.00
Copper 5894.00 5907.50 -13.50 5917.00 5918.00 -1.00
Lead 2284.00 2274.00 10.00 2309.00 2290.00 19.00
Nickel 9370.00 9280.00 90.00 9410.00 9335.00 75.00
Tin 20300.00 20200.00 100.00 20025.00 19950.00 75.00
Zinc 2780.00 2754.00 26.00 2785.00 2752.50 32.50

30 June 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 30 June 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1908.50 1897.50 11.00 1915.00 1901.50 13.50
Al Alloy 1610.00 1625.00 -15.00 1620.00 1635.00 -15.00
NASAAC 1840.00 1823.00 17.00 1860.00 1845.00 15.00
Copper 5907.50 5905.50 2.00 5918.00 5925.00 -7.00
Lead 2274.00 2292.00 -18.00 2290.00 2307.00 -17.00
Nickel 9280.00 9275.00 5.00 9335.00 9330.00 5.00
Tin 20200.00 20075.00 125.00 19950.00 19850.00 100.00
Zinc 2754.00 2752.50 1.50 2752.50 2756.00 -3.50

29 June 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 29 June 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/- 
Aluminum 1897.50 1886.00 11.50 1901.50 1893.00 8.50
Al Alloy  1625.00 1610.00 15.00 1635.00 1620.00 15.00
NASAAC 1823.00 1826.00 -3.00 1845.00 1845.00 0.00
Copper 5905.50 5822.00 83.50 5925.00 5840.00 85.00
Lead 2292.00 2265.00 27.00 2307.00 2281.00 26.00
Nickel       9275.00 9125.00 150.00 9330.00 9180.00 150.00
Tin 20075.00 19450.00 625.00 19850.00 19285.00 565.00
Zinc 2752.50 2732.50 20.00 2756.00 2734.00 22.00

28 June 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 28 June 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-
Aluminum 1886.00 1861.50 24.50 1893.00 1872.00 21.00
Al Alloy 1610.00 1595.00 15.00 1620.00 1605.00 15.00
NASAAC 1826.00 1796.00 30.00 1845.00 1820.00 25.00
Copper 5822.00 5789.00 33.00 5840.00 5812.00 28.00
Lead 2265.00 2247.50 17.50 2281.00 2269.00 12.00
Nickel 9125.00 9060.00 65.00 9180.00 9120.00 60.00
Tin 19450.00 19330.00 120.00 19285.00 19250.00 35.00
Zinc 2732.50 2726.00 6.50 2734.00 2732.50 1.50

27 June 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 27 June 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1861.50 1855.00 6.50 1872.00 1863.00 9.00
Al Alloy 1595.00 1600.00 -5.00 1605.00 1610.00 -5.00
NASAAC 1796.00 1790.50 5.50 1820.00 1810.00 10.00
Copper 5789.00 5771.00 18.00 5812.00 5795.00 17.00
Lead 2247.50 2237.00 10.50 2269.00 2253.50 15.50
Nickel 9060.00 9040.00 20.00 9120.00 9100.00 20.00
Tin 19330.00 19445.00 -115.00 19250.00 19275.00 -25.00
Zinc 2726.00 2722.00 4.00 2732.50 2725.00 7.50

26 June 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 26 June 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1855.00 1868.00 -13.00 1863.00 1875.50 -12.50
Al Alloy 1600.00 1600.00 0.00 1610.00 1610.00 0.00
NASAAC 1790.50 1791.00 -0.50 1810.00 1810.00 0.00
Copper 5771.00 5774.00 -3.00 5795.00 5797.00 -2.00
Lead 2237.00 2186.50 50.50 2253.50 2207.00 46.50
Nickel 9040.00 9170.00 -130.00 9100.00 9200.00 -100.00
Tin 19445.00 19495.00 -50.00 19275.00 19325.00 -50.00
Zinc 2722.00 2725.00 -3.00 2725.00 2727.00 -2.00

23 June 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 23 June 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1868.00 1872.00 -4.00 1875.50 1877.50 -2.00
Al Alloy 1600.00 1600.00 0.00 1610.00 1610.00 0.00
NASAAC 1791.00 1800.50 -9.50 1810.00 1820.00 -10.00
Copper 5774.00 5736.00 38.00 5797.00 5762.00 35.00
Lead 2186.50 2181.00 5.50 2207.00 2203.00 4.00
Nickel 9170.00 8910.00 260.00 9200.00 8965.00 235.00
Tin 19495.00 19695.00 -200.00 19325.00 19550.00 -225.00
Zinc 2725.00 2697.00 28.00 2727.00 2700.00 27.00

22 June 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 22 June 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1872.00 1865.50 6.50 1877.50 1874.00 3.50
Al Alloy 1600.00 1600.00 0.00 1610.00 1610.00 0.00
NASAAC 1800.50 1800.50 0.00 1820.00 1820.00 0.00
Copper 5736.00 5650.00 86.00 5762.00 5677.00 85.00
Lead 2181.00 2121.00 60.00 2203.00 2148.00 55.00
Nickel 8910.00 8890.00 20.00 8965.00 8930.00 35.00
Tin 19695.00 19725.00 -30.00 19550.00 19525.00 25.00
Zinc 2697.00 2579.50 117.50 2700.00 2589.00 111.00