21 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 21 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1932.50 1933.00 -0.50 1939.50 1942.50 -3.00
Al Alloy 1700.00 1675.00 25.00 1705.00 1680.00 25.00
NASAAC 1770.50 1760.00 10.50 1810.00 1795.00 15.00
Copper 5601.00 5611.50 -10.50 5633.00 5645.00 -12.00
Lead 2142.00 2160.50 -18.50 2141.00 2160.00 -19.00
Nickel 9395.00 9380.00 15.00 9460.00 9430.00 30.00
Tin 19900.00 19905.00 -5.00 19900.00 19900.00 0.00
Zinc 2582.00 2605.00 -23.00 2605.00 2622.00 -17.00

20 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 20 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1933.00 1895.50 37.50 1942.50 1909.00 33.50
Al Alloy 1675.00 1680.00 -5.00 1680.00 1685.00 -5.00
NASAAC 1760.00 1740.50 19.50 1795.00 1770.00 25.00
Copper 5611.50 5600.50 11.00 5645.00 5630.50 14.50
Lead 2160.50 2148.00 12.50 2160.00 2150.00 10.00
Nickel 9380.00 9455.00 -75.00 9430.00 9490.00 -60.00
Tin 19905.00 19875.00 30.00 19900.00 19925.00 -25.00
Zinc 2605.00 2546.00 59.00 2622.00 2565.50 56.50

19 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 19 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/- 
Aluminum 1895.50 1915.50 -20.00 1909.00 1930.00 -21.00
Al Alloy 1680.00 1685.00 -5.00 1685.00 1690.00 -5.00
NASAAC 1740.50 1740.50 0.00 1770.00 1775.00 -5.00
Copper 5600.50 5620.50 -20.00 5630.50 5650.00 -19.50
Lead 2148.00 2185.00 -37.00 2150.00 2186.00 -36.00
Nickel 9455.00 9545.00 -90.00 9490.00 9600.00 -110.00
Tin 19875.00 19885.00 -10.00 19925.00 19850.00 75.00
Zinc 2546.00 2581.00 -35.00 2565.50 2599.00 -33.50

18 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 18 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1915.50 1890.00 25.50 1930.00 1902.50 27.50
Al Alloy 1685.00 1680.00 5.00 1690.00 1690.00 0.00
NASAAC 1740.50 1700.00 40.50 1775.00 1730.00 45.00
Copper 5620.50 5655.00 -34.50 5650.00 5686.00 -36.00
Lead 2185.00 2256.00 -71.00 2186.00 2254.00 -68.00
Nickel 9545.00 9695.00 -150.00 9600.00 9755.00 -155.00
Tin 19885.00 19750.00 135.00 19850.00 19700.00 150.00
Zinc 2581.00 2561.50 19.50 2599.00 2585.50 13.50

13 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 13 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1890.00 1907.00 -17.00 1902.50 1916.50 -14.00
Al Alloy 1680.00 1700.00 -20.00 1690.00 1710.00 -20.00
NASAAC 1700.00 1760.50 -60.50 1730.00 1795.00 -65.00
Copper 5655.00 5685.00 -30.00 5686.00 5711.00 -25.00
Lead 2256.00 2251.00 5.00 2254.00 2248.00 6.00
Nickel 9695.00 9710.00 -15.00 9755.00 9755.00 0.00
Tin 19750.00 20075.00 -325.00 19700.00 20025.00 -325.00
Zinc 2561.50 2565.00 -3.50 2585.50 2583.00 2.50

12 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 12 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1907.00 1907.50 -0.50 1916.50 1919.00 -2.50
Al Alloy 1700.00 1700.00 0.00 1710.00 1710.00 0.00
NASAAC 1760.50 1772.00 -11.50 1795.00 1805.00 -10.00
Copper 5685.00 5746.00 -61.00 5711.00 5772.00 -61.00
Lead 2251.00 2261.00 -10.00 2248.00 2269.00 -21.00
Nickel 9710.00 10050.00 -340.00 9755.00 10115.00 -360.00
Tin 20075.00 20125.00 -50.00 20025.00 20005.00 20.00
Zinc 2565.00 2580.00 -15.00 2583.00 2597.00 -14.00

11 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 11 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/- 
Aluminum 1907.50 1929.00 -21.50 1919.00 1940.50 -21.50
Al Alloy 1700.00 1700.00 0.00 1710.00 1710.00 0.00
NASAAC 1772.00 1795.00 -23.00 1805.00 1825.00 -20.00
Copper 5746.00 5731.00 15.00 5772.00 5766.00 6.00
Lead 2261.00 2260.00 1.00 2269.00 2265.00 4.00
Nickel 10050.00 10100.00 -50.00 10115.00 10165.00 -50.00
Tin 20125.00 20400.00 -275.00 20005.00 20350.00 -345.00
Zinc 2580.00 2658.50 -78.50 2597.00 2676.00 -79.00

10 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 10 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/- 
Aluminum 1929.00 1929.50 -0.50 1940.50 1944.00 -3.50
Al Alloy 1700.00 1705.00 -5.00 1710.00 1715.00 -5.00
NASAAC 1795.00 1821.00 -26.00 1825.00 1845.00 -20.00
Copper 5731.00 5770.00 -39.00 5766.00 5810.00 -44.00
Lead 2260.00 2260.00 0.00 2265.00 2264.00 1.00
Nickel 10100.00 9950.00 150.00 10165.00 10020.00 145.00
Tin 20400.00 20375.00 25.00 20350.00 20325.00 25.00
Zinc 2658.50 2665.00 -6.50 2676.00 2685.50 -9.50

07 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 07 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1929.50 1956.00 -26.50 1944.00 1968.50 -24.50
Al Alloy 1705.00 1705.00 0.00 1715.00 1715.00 0.00
NASAAC 1821.00 1855.00 -34.00 1845.00 1890.00 -45.00
Copper 5770.00 5870.50 -100.50 5810.00 5900.50 -90.50
Lead 2260.00 2327.50 -67.50 2264.00 2342.00 -78.00
Nickel 9950.00 10320.00 -370.00 10020.00 10330.00 -310.00
Tin 20375.00 20350.00 25.00 20325.00 20350.00 -25.00
Zinc 2665.00 2777.00 -112.00 2685.50 2802.50 -117.00

06 April 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 06 April 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1956.00 1962.00 -6.00 1968.50 1972.00 -3.50
Al Alloy 1705.00 1700.00 5.00 1715.00 1710.00 5.00
NASAAC 1855.00 1842.00 13.00 1890.00 1875.00 15.00
Copper 5870.50 5808.50 62.00 5900.50 5840.00 60.50
Lead 2327.50 2314.50 13.00 2342.00 2323.50 18.50
Nickel 10320.00 10170.00 150.00 10330.00 10235.00 95.00
Tin 20350.00 20195.00 155.00 20350.00 20180.00 170.00
Zinc 2777.00 2770.00 7.00 2802.50 2793.00 9.50