London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 21 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1932.50 | 1933.00 | -0.50 | 1939.50 | 1942.50 | -3.00 |
Al Alloy | 1700.00 | 1675.00 | 25.00 | 1705.00 | 1680.00 | 25.00 |
NASAAC | 1770.50 | 1760.00 | 10.50 | 1810.00 | 1795.00 | 15.00 |
Copper | 5601.00 | 5611.50 | -10.50 | 5633.00 | 5645.00 | -12.00 |
Lead | 2142.00 | 2160.50 | -18.50 | 2141.00 | 2160.00 | -19.00 |
Nickel | 9395.00 | 9380.00 | 15.00 | 9460.00 | 9430.00 | 30.00 |
Tin | 19900.00 | 19905.00 | -5.00 | 19900.00 | 19900.00 | 0.00 |
Zinc | 2582.00 | 2605.00 | -23.00 | 2605.00 | 2622.00 | -17.00 |
20 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 20 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1933.00 | 1895.50 | 37.50 | 1942.50 | 1909.00 | 33.50 |
Al Alloy | 1675.00 | 1680.00 | -5.00 | 1680.00 | 1685.00 | -5.00 |
NASAAC | 1760.00 | 1740.50 | 19.50 | 1795.00 | 1770.00 | 25.00 |
Copper | 5611.50 | 5600.50 | 11.00 | 5645.00 | 5630.50 | 14.50 |
Lead | 2160.50 | 2148.00 | 12.50 | 2160.00 | 2150.00 | 10.00 |
Nickel | 9380.00 | 9455.00 | -75.00 | 9430.00 | 9490.00 | -60.00 |
Tin | 19905.00 | 19875.00 | 30.00 | 19900.00 | 19925.00 | -25.00 |
Zinc | 2605.00 | 2546.00 | 59.00 | 2622.00 | 2565.50 | 56.50 |
19 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 19 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1895.50 | 1915.50 | -20.00 | 1909.00 | 1930.00 | -21.00 |
Al Alloy | 1680.00 | 1685.00 | -5.00 | 1685.00 | 1690.00 | -5.00 |
NASAAC | 1740.50 | 1740.50 | 0.00 | 1770.00 | 1775.00 | -5.00 |
Copper | 5600.50 | 5620.50 | -20.00 | 5630.50 | 5650.00 | -19.50 |
Lead | 2148.00 | 2185.00 | -37.00 | 2150.00 | 2186.00 | -36.00 |
Nickel | 9455.00 | 9545.00 | -90.00 | 9490.00 | 9600.00 | -110.00 |
Tin | 19875.00 | 19885.00 | -10.00 | 19925.00 | 19850.00 | 75.00 |
Zinc | 2546.00 | 2581.00 | -35.00 | 2565.50 | 2599.00 | -33.50 |
18 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 18 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1915.50 | 1890.00 | 25.50 | 1930.00 | 1902.50 | 27.50 |
Al Alloy | 1685.00 | 1680.00 | 5.00 | 1690.00 | 1690.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1740.50 | 1700.00 | 40.50 | 1775.00 | 1730.00 | 45.00 |
Copper | 5620.50 | 5655.00 | -34.50 | 5650.00 | 5686.00 | -36.00 |
Lead | 2185.00 | 2256.00 | -71.00 | 2186.00 | 2254.00 | -68.00 |
Nickel | 9545.00 | 9695.00 | -150.00 | 9600.00 | 9755.00 | -155.00 |
Tin | 19885.00 | 19750.00 | 135.00 | 19850.00 | 19700.00 | 150.00 |
Zinc | 2581.00 | 2561.50 | 19.50 | 2599.00 | 2585.50 | 13.50 |
13 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 13 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1890.00 | 1907.00 | -17.00 | 1902.50 | 1916.50 | -14.00 |
Al Alloy | 1680.00 | 1700.00 | -20.00 | 1690.00 | 1710.00 | -20.00 |
NASAAC | 1700.00 | 1760.50 | -60.50 | 1730.00 | 1795.00 | -65.00 |
Copper | 5655.00 | 5685.00 | -30.00 | 5686.00 | 5711.00 | -25.00 |
Lead | 2256.00 | 2251.00 | 5.00 | 2254.00 | 2248.00 | 6.00 |
Nickel | 9695.00 | 9710.00 | -15.00 | 9755.00 | 9755.00 | 0.00 |
Tin | 19750.00 | 20075.00 | -325.00 | 19700.00 | 20025.00 | -325.00 |
Zinc | 2561.50 | 2565.00 | -3.50 | 2585.50 | 2583.00 | 2.50 |
12 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 12 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1907.00 | 1907.50 | -0.50 | 1916.50 | 1919.00 | -2.50 |
Al Alloy | 1700.00 | 1700.00 | 0.00 | 1710.00 | 1710.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1760.50 | 1772.00 | -11.50 | 1795.00 | 1805.00 | -10.00 |
Copper | 5685.00 | 5746.00 | -61.00 | 5711.00 | 5772.00 | -61.00 |
Lead | 2251.00 | 2261.00 | -10.00 | 2248.00 | 2269.00 | -21.00 |
Nickel | 9710.00 | 10050.00 | -340.00 | 9755.00 | 10115.00 | -360.00 |
Tin | 20075.00 | 20125.00 | -50.00 | 20025.00 | 20005.00 | 20.00 |
Zinc | 2565.00 | 2580.00 | -15.00 | 2583.00 | 2597.00 | -14.00 |
11 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 11 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1907.50 | 1929.00 | -21.50 | 1919.00 | 1940.50 | -21.50 |
Al Alloy | 1700.00 | 1700.00 | 0.00 | 1710.00 | 1710.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1772.00 | 1795.00 | -23.00 | 1805.00 | 1825.00 | -20.00 |
Copper | 5746.00 | 5731.00 | 15.00 | 5772.00 | 5766.00 | 6.00 |
Lead | 2261.00 | 2260.00 | 1.00 | 2269.00 | 2265.00 | 4.00 |
Nickel | 10050.00 | 10100.00 | -50.00 | 10115.00 | 10165.00 | -50.00 |
Tin | 20125.00 | 20400.00 | -275.00 | 20005.00 | 20350.00 | -345.00 |
Zinc | 2580.00 | 2658.50 | -78.50 | 2597.00 | 2676.00 | -79.00 |
10 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 10 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1929.00 | 1929.50 | -0.50 | 1940.50 | 1944.00 | -3.50 |
Al Alloy | 1700.00 | 1705.00 | -5.00 | 1710.00 | 1715.00 | -5.00 |
NASAAC | 1795.00 | 1821.00 | -26.00 | 1825.00 | 1845.00 | -20.00 |
Copper | 5731.00 | 5770.00 | -39.00 | 5766.00 | 5810.00 | -44.00 |
Lead | 2260.00 | 2260.00 | 0.00 | 2265.00 | 2264.00 | 1.00 |
Nickel | 10100.00 | 9950.00 | 150.00 | 10165.00 | 10020.00 | 145.00 |
Tin | 20400.00 | 20375.00 | 25.00 | 20350.00 | 20325.00 | 25.00 |
Zinc | 2658.50 | 2665.00 | -6.50 | 2676.00 | 2685.50 | -9.50 |
07 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 07 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1929.50 | 1956.00 | -26.50 | 1944.00 | 1968.50 | -24.50 |
Al Alloy | 1705.00 | 1705.00 | 0.00 | 1715.00 | 1715.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1821.00 | 1855.00 | -34.00 | 1845.00 | 1890.00 | -45.00 |
Copper | 5770.00 | 5870.50 | -100.50 | 5810.00 | 5900.50 | -90.50 |
Lead | 2260.00 | 2327.50 | -67.50 | 2264.00 | 2342.00 | -78.00 |
Nickel | 9950.00 | 10320.00 | -370.00 | 10020.00 | 10330.00 | -310.00 |
Tin | 20375.00 | 20350.00 | 25.00 | 20325.00 | 20350.00 | -25.00 |
Zinc | 2665.00 | 2777.00 | -112.00 | 2685.50 | 2802.50 | -117.00 |
06 April 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 06 April 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1956.00 | 1962.00 | -6.00 | 1968.50 | 1972.00 | -3.50 |
Al Alloy | 1705.00 | 1700.00 | 5.00 | 1715.00 | 1710.00 | 5.00 |
NASAAC | 1855.00 | 1842.00 | 13.00 | 1890.00 | 1875.00 | 15.00 |
Copper | 5870.50 | 5808.50 | 62.00 | 5900.50 | 5840.00 | 60.50 |
Lead | 2327.50 | 2314.50 | 13.00 | 2342.00 | 2323.50 | 18.50 |
Nickel | 10320.00 | 10170.00 | 150.00 | 10330.00 | 10235.00 | 95.00 |
Tin | 20350.00 | 20195.00 | 155.00 | 20350.00 | 20180.00 | 170.00 |
Zinc | 2777.00 | 2770.00 | 7.00 | 2802.50 | 2793.00 | 9.50 |