London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 18 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1744.00 | 1741.00 | 3.00 | 1746.00 | 1745.00 | 1.00 |
Al Alloy | 1305.00 | 1300.00 | 5.00 | 1255.00 | 1270.00 | -15.00 |
NASAAC | 1130.00 | 1170.00 | -40.00 | 1130.00 | 1160.00 | -30.00 |
Copper | 5828.00 | 5812.00 | 16.00 | 5851.00 | 5835.00 | 16.00 |
Lead | 1976.00 | 2004.00 | -28.00 | 1991.00 | 2009.00 | -18.00 |
Nickel | 14760.00 | 14990.00 | -230.00 | 14790.00 | 15025.00 | -235.00 |
Tin | 16160.00 | 16275.00 | -115.00 | 16200.00 | 16275.00 | -75.00 |
Zinc | 2384.00 | 2427.00 | -43.00 | 2365.00 | 2385.50 | -20.50 |
15 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 15 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1741.00 | 1756.00 | -15.00 | 1745.00 | 1759.00 | -14.00 |
Al Alloy | 1300.00 | 1340.00 | -40.00 | 1270.00 | 1295.00 | -25.00 |
NASAAC | 1170.00 | 1165.00 | 5.00 | 1160.00 | 1165.00 | -5.00 |
Copper | 5812.00 | 5835.00 | -23.00 | 5835.00 | 5854.00 | -19.00 |
Lead | 2004.00 | 2023.50 | -19.50 | 2009.00 | 2028.00 | -19.00 |
Nickel | 14990.00 | 15355.00 | -365.00 | 15025.00 | 15360.00 | -335.00 |
Tin | 16275.00 | 16185.00 | 90.00 | 16275.00 | 16200.00 | 75.00 |
Zinc | 2427.00 | 2458.00 | -31.00 | 2385.50 | 2411.50 | -26.00 |
14 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 14 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1756.00 | 1768.00 | -12.00 | 1759.00 | 1769.00 | -10.00 |
Al Alloy | 1340.00 | 1340.00 | 0.00 | 1295.00 | 1290.00 | 5.00 |
NASAAC | 1165.00 | 1180.00 | -15.00 | 1165.00 | 1180.00 | -15.00 |
Copper | 5835.00 | 5823.00 | 12.00 | 5854.00 | 5850.00 | 4.00 |
Lead | 2023.50 | 2037.00 | -13.50 | 2028.00 | 2037.00 | -9.00 |
Nickel | 15355.00 | 15530.00 | -175.00 | 15360.00 | 15520.00 | -160.00 |
Tin | 16185.00 | 16325.00 | -140.00 | 16200.00 | 16350.00 | -150.00 |
Zinc | 2458.00 | 2482.00 | -24.00 | 2411.50 | 2437.50 | -26.00 |
13 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 13 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1768.00 | 1765.50 | 2.50 | 1769.00 | 1768.00 | 1.00 |
Al Alloy | 1340.00 | 1330.00 | 10.00 | 1290.00 | 1280.00 | 10.00 |
NASAAC | 1180.00 | 1170.00 | 10.00 | 1180.00 | 1170.00 | 10.00 |
Copper | 5823.00 | 5838.00 | -15.00 | 5850.00 | 5860.00 | -10.00 |
Lead | 2037.00 | 2078.50 | -41.50 | 2037.00 | 2079.00 | -42.00 |
Nickel | 15530.00 | 15500.00 | 30.00 | 15520.00 | 15475.00 | 45.00 |
Tin | 16325.00 | 16460.00 | -135.00 | 16350.00 | 16500.00 | -150.00 |
Zinc | 2482.00 | 2542.50 | -60.50 | 2437.50 | 2488.00 | -50.50 |
12 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 12 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1765.50 | 1805.00 | -39.50 | 1768.00 | 1805.00 | -37.00 |
Al Alloy | 1330.00 | 1320.00 | 10.00 | 1280.00 | 1270.00 | 10.00 |
NASAAC | 1170.00 | 1165.00 | 5.00 | 1170.00 | 1170.00 | 0.00 |
Copper | 5838.00 | 5857.00 | -19.00 | 5860.00 | 5877.00 | -17.00 |
Lead | 2078.50 | 2115.00 | -36.50 | 2079.00 | 2111.00 | -32.00 |
Nickel | 15500.00 | 15730.00 | -230.00 | 15475.00 | 15770.00 | -295.00 |
Tin | 16460.00 | 16525.00 | -65.00 | 16500.00 | 16575.00 | -75.00 |
Zinc | 2542.50 | 2538.00 | 4.50 | 2488.00 | 2485.00 | 3.00 |
11 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 11 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1805.00 | 1827.50 | -22.50 | 1805.00 | 1820.00 | -15.00 |
Al Alloy | 1320.00 | 1300.00 | 20.00 | 1270.00 | 1265.00 | 5.00 |
NASAAC | 1165.00 | 1155.00 | 10.00 | 1170.00 | 1155.00 | 15.00 |
Copper | 5857.00 | 5951.50 | -94.50 | 5877.00 | 5965.50 | -88.50 |
Lead | 2115.00 | 2101.00 | 14.00 | 2111.00 | 2090.50 | 20.50 |
Nickel | 15730.00 | 16190.00 | -460.00 | 15770.00 | 16120.00 | -350.00 |
Tin | 16525.00 | 16675.00 | -150.00 | 16575.00 | 16675.00 | -100.00 |
Zinc | 2538.00 | 2507.00 | 31.00 | 2485.00 | 2466.00 | 19.00 |
08 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 08 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1827.50 | 1817.50 | 10.00 | 1820.00 | 1808.00 | 12.00 |
Al Alloy | 1300.00 | 1295.00 | 5.00 | 1265.00 | 1221.00 | 44.00 |
NASAAC | 1155.00 | 1135.00 | 20.00 | 1155.00 | 1135.00 | 20.00 |
Copper | 5951.50 | 5941.00 | 10.50 | 5965.50 | 5949.00 | 16.50 |
Lead | 2101.00 | 2105.00 | -4.00 | 2090.50 | 2104.00 | -13.50 |
Nickel | 16190.00 | 16305.00 | -115.00 | 16120.00 | 16290.00 | -170.00 |
Tin | 16675.00 | 16600.00 | 75.00 | 16675.00 | 16610.00 | 65.00 |
Zinc | 2507.00 | 2542.00 | -35.00 | 2466.00 | 2486.00 | -20.00 |
07 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 07 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1817.50 | 1817.50 | 0.00 | 1808.00 | 1809.50 | -1.50 |
Al Alloy | 1295.00 | 1335.00 | -40.00 | 1221.00 | 1265.00 | -44.00 |
NASAAC | 1135.00 | 1111.00 | 24.00 | 1135.00 | 1115.00 | 20.00 |
Copper | 5941.00 | 5913.50 | 27.50 | 5949.00 | 5932.00 | 17.00 |
Lead | 2105.00 | 2138.00 | -33.00 | 2104.00 | 2132.00 | -28.00 |
Nickel | 16305.00 | 16390.00 | -85.00 | 16290.00 | 16330.00 | -40.00 |
Tin | 16600.00 | 16410.00 | 190.00 | 16610.00 | 16475.00 | 135.00 |
Zinc | 2542.00 | 2528.00 | 14.00 | 2486.00 | 2482.00 | 4.00 |
06 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 06 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1817.50 | 1813.50 | 4.00 | 1809.50 | 1811.50 | -2.00 |
Al Alloy | 1335.00 | 1331.00 | 4.00 | 1265.00 | 1270.00 | -5.00 |
NASAAC | 1111.00 | 1110.00 | 1.00 | 1115.00 | 1115.00 | 0.00 |
Copper | 5913.50 | 5880.00 | 33.50 | 5932.00 | 5912.00 | 20.00 |
Lead | 2138.00 | 2173.00 | -35.00 | 2132.00 | 2165.00 | -33.00 |
Nickel | 16390.00 | 16235.00 | 155.00 | 16330.00 | 16260.00 | 70.00 |
Tin | 16410.00 | 16575.00 | -165.00 | 16475.00 | 16575.00 | -100.00 |
Zinc | 2528.00 | 2595.00 | -67.00 | 2482.00 | 2538.00 | -56.00 |
05 November 2019 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 05 November 2019 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 1813.50 | 1766.00 | 47.50 | 1811.50 | 1764.00 | 47.50 |
Al Alloy | 1331.00 | 1370.00 | -39.00 | 1270.00 | 1300.00 | -30.00 |
NASAAC | 1110.00 | 1130.00 | -20.00 | 1115.00 | 1130.00 | -15.00 |
Copper | 5880.00 | 5797.00 | 83.00 | 5912.00 | 5819.00 | 93.00 |
Lead | 2173.00 | 2176.00 | -3.00 | 2165.00 | 2165.00 | 0.00 |
Nickel | 16235.00 | 16750.00 | -515.00 | 16260.00 | 16740.00 | -480.00 |
Tin | 16575.00 | 16575.00 | 0.00 | 16575.00 | 16625.00 | -50.00 |
Zinc | 2595.00 | 2541.00 | 54.00 | 2538.00 | 2495.00 | 43.00 |