23 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 23 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-
Aluminum 1913.00 1910.00 3.00 1923.00 1921.50 1.50
Al Alloy 1705.00 1705.00 0.00 1715.00 1715.00 0.00
NASAAC 1909.00 1911.00 -2.00 1930.00 1930.00 0.00
Copper 5790.50 5712.00 78.50 5825.00 5741.00 84.00
Lead 2363.00 2319.00 44.00 2368.00 2324.00 44.00
Nickel 9915.00 9950.00 -35.00 9995.00 9985.00 10.00
Tin 20375.00 20475.00 -100.00 20375.00 20375.00 0.00
Zinc 2816.00 2817.50 -1.50 2840.00 2838.50 1.50

22 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 22 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-
Aluminum 1910.00 1918.00 -8.00 1921.50 1930.00 -8.50
Al Alloy 1705.00 1710.00 -5.00 1715.00 1720.00 -5.00
NASAAC 1911.00 1916.00 -5.00 1930.00 1940.00 -10.00
Copper 5712.00 5765.50 -53.50 5741.00 5794.00 -53.00
Lead 2319.00 2284.00 35.00 2324.00 2291.00 33.00
Nickel 9950.00 10105.00 -155.00 9985.00 10160.00 -175.00
Tin 20475.00 20575.00 -100.00 20375.00 20475.00 -100.00
Zinc 2817.50 2857.50 -40.00 2838.50 2877.00 -38.50

21 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 21 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/
Aluminum 1918.00 1908.00 10.00 1930.00 1924.00 6.00
Al Alloy 1710.00 1720.00 -10.00 1720.00 1730.00 -10.00
NASAAC 1916.00 1920.50 -4.50 1940.00 1955.00 -15.00
Copper 5765.50 5891.00 -125.50 5794.00 5912.00 -118.00
Lead 2284.00 2280.50 3.50 2291.00 2297.00 -6.00
Nickel 10105.00 10060.00 45.00 10160.00 10135.00 25.00
Tin 20575.00 20530.00 45.00 20475.00 20380.00 95.00
Zinc 2857.50 2860.50 -3.00 2877.00 2883.50 -6.50

20 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 20 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1908.00 1901.00 7.00 1924.00 1911.00 13.00
Al Alloy 1720.00 1720.00 0.00 1730.00 1730.00 0.00
NASAAC 1920.50 1912.00 8.50 1955.00 1940.00 15.00
Copper 5891.00 5889.00 2.00 5912.00 5909.00 3.00
Lead 2280.50 2260.00 20.50 2297.00 2267.00 30.00
Nickel 10060.00 10200.00 -140.00 10135.00 10215.00 -80.00
Tin 20530.00 20450.00 80.00 20380.00 20355.00 25.00
Zinc 2860.50 2847.00 13.50 2883.50 2864.00 19.50

17 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 17 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1901.00 1895.00 6.00 1911.00 1906.00 5.00
Al Alloy 1720.00 1720.00 0.00 1730.00 1730.00 0.00
NASAAC 1912.00 1910.00 2.00 1940.00 1945.00 -5.00
Copper 5889.00 5911.00 -22.00 5909.00 5935.00 -26.00
Lead 2260.00 2267.00 -7.00 2267.00 2280.00 -13.00
Nickel 10200.00 10290.00 -90.00 10215.00 10320.00 -105.00
Tin 20450.00 20175.00 275.00 20355.00 20110.00 245.00
Zinc 2847.00 2836.00 11.00 2864.00 2855.00 9.00

16 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 16 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/- 
Aluminum 1895.00 1863.00 32.00 1906.00 1875.50 30.50
Al Alloy 1720.00 1700.00 20.00 1730.00 1710.00 20.00
NASAAC 1910.00 1920.50 -10.50 1945.00 1940.00 5.00
Copper 5911.00 5850.00 61.00 5935.00 5869.00 66.00
Lead 2267.00 2217.00 50.00 2280.00 2235.00 45.00
Nickel 10290.00 10185.00 105.00 10320.00 10240.00 80.00
Tin 20175.00 20070.00 105.00 20110.00 19975.00 135.00
Zinc 2836.00 2752.00 84.00 2855.00 2778.00 77.00

15 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 15 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1863.00 1851.00 12.00 1875.50 1862.50 13.00
Al Alloy 1700.00 1700.00 0.00 1710.00 1710.00 0.00
NASAAC 1920.50 1931.00 -10.50 1940.00 1955.00 -15.00
Copper 5850.00 5747.00 103.00 5869.00 5772.00 97.00
Lead 2217.00 2210.50 6.50 2235.00 2222.00 13.00
Nickel 10185.00 10090.00 95.00 10240.00 10130.00 110.00
Tin 20070.00 19700.00 370.00 19975.00 19605.00 370.00
Zinc 2752.00 2697.00 55.00 2778.00 2718.00 60.00

14 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 14 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1851.00 1882.00 -31.00 1862.50 1894.50 -32.00
Al Alloy 1700.00 1700.00 0.00 1710.00 1710.00 0.00
NASAAC 1931.00 1940.00 -9.00 1955.00 1955.00 0.00
Copper 5747.00 5794.00 -47.00 5772.00 5805.00 -33.00
Lead 2210.50 2284.50 -74.00 2222.00 2296.00 -74.00
Nickel 10090.00 10145.00 -55.00 10130.00 10200.00 -70.00
Tin 19700.00 19305.00 395.00 19605.00 19250.00 355.00
Zinc 2697.00 2745.00 -48.00 2718.00 2757.50 -39.50

13 March 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 13 March 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1882.00 1884.50 -2.50 1894.50 1897.50 -3.00
Al Alloy 1700.00 1700.00 0.00 1710.00 1710.00 0.00
NASAAC 1940.00 1925.00 15.00 1955.00 1945.00 10.00
Copper 5794.00 5714.50 79.50 5805.00 5729.00 76.00
Lead 2284.50 2258.00 26.50 2296.00 2263.00 33.00
Nickel 10145.00 10030.00 115.00 10200.00 10070.00 130.00
Tin 19305.00 19300.00 5.00 19250.00 19300.00 -50.00
Zinc 2745.00 2697.50 47.50 2757.50 2713.00 44.50

10 March 2017 – LME Prices

London Metal Exchange

Official and Previous Day Prices 10 March 2017

USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 1884.50 1847.00 37.50 1897.50 1855.50 42.00
Al Alloy 1700.00 1700.00 0.00 1710.00 1710.00 0.00
NASAAC 1925.00 1925.00 0.00 1945.00 1950.00 -5.00
Copper 5714.50 5655.00 59.50 5729.00 5672.00 57.00
Lead 2258.00 2227.00 31.00 2263.00 2229.00 34.00
Nickel 10030.00 10100.00 -70.00 10070.00 10110.00 -40.00
Tin 19300.00 19225.00 75.00 19300.00 19225.00 75.00
Zinc 2697.50 2655.50 42.00 2713.00 2665.00 48.00