12 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 12 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2117.50 2124.00 -6.50 2143.00 2147.00 -4.00
Al Alloy 1835.00 1825.00 10.00 1850.00 1840.00 10.00
NASAAC 1881.00 1902.00 -21.00 1905.00 1920.00 -15.00
Copper 6813.00 6685.00 128.00 6852.00 6740.00 112.00
Lead 2568.50 2525.00 43.50 2577.00 2533.00 44.00
Nickel 11195.00 10980.00 215.00 11220.00 11020.00 200.00
Tin 20900.00 20810.00 90.00 20755.00 20700.00 55.00
Zinc 3333.00 3306.00 27.00 3260.00 3225.00 35.00

11 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 11 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2124.00 2133.00 -9.00 2147.00 2161.00 -14.00
Al Alloy 1825.00 1830.00 -5.00 1840.00 1845.00 -5.00
NASAAC 1902.00 1917.00 -15.00 1920.00 1945.00 -25.00
Copper 6685.00 6641.00 44.00 6740.00 6695.00 45.00
Lead 2525.00 2509.00 16.00 2533.00 2520.00 13.00
Nickel 10980.00 10910.00 70.00 11020.00 10995.00 25.00
Tin 20810.00 21100.00 -290.00 20700.00 20840.00 -140.00
Zinc 3306.00 3314.00 -8.00 3225.00 3240.00 -15.00

10 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 10 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/- 
Aluminum 2133.00 2135.00 -2.00 2161.00 2157.00 4.00
Al Alloy 1830.00 1820.00 10.00 1845.00 1830.00 15.00
NASAAC 1917.00 1920.00 -3.00 1945.00 1935.00 10.00
Copper 6641.00 6607.00 34.00 6695.00 6660.00 35.00
Lead 2509.00 2515.00 -6.00 2520.00 2522.00 -2.00
Nickel 10910.00 10770.00 140.00 10995.00 10845.00 150.00
Tin 21100.00 20950.00 150.00 20840.00 20785.00 55.00
Zinc 3314.00 3334.50 -20.50 3240.00 3268.00 -28.00

09 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 09 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2135.00 2121.50 13.50 2157.00 2146.00 11.00
Al Alloy 1820.00 1830.00 -10.00 1830.00 1840.00 -10.00
NASAAC 1920.00 1925.00 -5.00 1935.00 1950.00 -15.00
Copper 6607.00 6639.00 -32.00 6660.00 6690.00 -30.00
Lead 2515.00 2539.50 -24.50 2522.00 2548.00 -26.00
Nickel 10770.00 10500.00 270.00 10845.00 10580.00 265.00
Tin 20950.00 21085.00 -135.00 20785.00 20925.00 -140.00
Zinc 3334.50 3336.00 -1.50 3268.00 3275.00 -7.00

06 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 06 October 2017 
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2121.50 2124.00 -2.50 2146.00 2147.00 -1.00
Al Alloy 1830.00 1815.00 15.00 1840.00 1825.00 15.00
NASAAC 1925.00 1925.00 0.00 1950.00 1940.00 10.00
Copper 6639.00 6511.00 128.00 6690.00 6554.00 136.00
Lead 2539.50 2548.00 -8.50 2548.00 2557.00 -9.00
Nickel 10500.00 10560.00 -60.00 10580.00 10610.00 -30.00
Tin 21085.00 21245.00 -160.00 20925.00 20975.00 -50.00
Zinc 3336.00 3350.00 -14.00 3275.00 3296.00 -21.00

05 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 05 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2124.00 2139.50 -15.50 2147.00 2155.00 -8.00
Al Alloy 1815.00 1780.00 35.00 1825.00 1790.00 35.00
NASAAC 1925.00 1936.00 -11.00 1940.00 1955.00 -15.00
Copper 6511.00 6453.00 58.00 6554.00 6505.00 49.00
Lead 2548.00 2585.00 -37.00 2557.00 2593.00 -36.00
Nickel 10560.00 10640.00 -80.00 10610.00 10730.00 -120.00
Tin 21245.00 20950.00 295.00 20975.00 20775.00 200.00
Zinc 3350.00 3370.00 -20.00 3296.00 3309.00 -13.00

04 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 04 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/- 
Aluminum 2139.50 2114.50 25.00 2155.00 2126.50 28.50
Al Alloy 1780.00 1780.00 0.00 1790.00 1790.00 0.00
NASAAC 1936.00 1945.00 -9.00 1955.00 1965.00 -10.00
Copper 6453.00 6447.00 6.00 6505.00 6504.00 1.00
Lead 2585.00 2501.00 84.00 2593.00 2502.00 91.00
Nickel 10640.00 10555.00 85.00 10730.00 10645.00 85.00
Tin 20950.00 20950.00 0.00 20775.00 20700.00 75.00
Zinc 3370.00 3324.00 46.00 3309.00 3257.50 51.50

03 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 03 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2114.50 2067.00 47.50 2126.50 2090.00 36.50
Al Alloy 1780.00 1780.00 0.00 1790.00 1790.00 0.00
NASAAC 1945.00 1965.00 -20.00 1965.00 1980.00 -15.00
Copper 6447.00 6455.00 -8.00 6504.00 6504.00 0.00
Lead 2501.00 2538.00 -37.00 2502.00 2532.00 -30.00
Nickel 10555.00 10375.00 180.00 10645.00 10425.00 220.00
Tin 20950.00 20875.00 75.00 20700.00 20710.00 -10.00
Zinc 3324.00 3235.50 88.50 3257.50 3195.00 62.50

02 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 02 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2067.00 2110.50 -43.50 2090.00 2133.00 -43.00
Al Alloy 1780.00 1780.00 0.00 1790.00 1790.00 0.00
NASAAC 1965.00 1940.00 25.00 1980.00 1960.00 20.00
Copper 6455.00 6485.00 -30.00 6504.00 6531.00 -27.00
Lead 2538.00 2519.00 19.00 2532.00 2509.00 23.00
Nickel 10375.00 10585.00 -210.00 10425.00 10675.00 -250.00
Tin 20875.00 20995.00 -120.00 20710.00 20750.00 -40.00
Zinc 3235.50 3217.00 18.50 3195.00 3165.00 30.00

28 September 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 28 September 2017 
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2102.50 2117.00 -14.50 2128.00 2140.00 -12.00
Al Alloy 1780.00 1780.00 0.00 1790.00 1790.00 0.00
NASAAC 1910.50 1930.00 -19.50 1945.00 1950.00 -5.00
Copper 6405.00 6426.00 -21.00 6452.00 6475.00 -23.00
Lead 2467.00 2458.00 9.00 2472.00 2461.00 11.00
Nickel 10175.00 10530.00 -355.00 10265.00 10600.00 -335.00
Tin 20900.00 20850.00 50.00 20750.00 20655.00 95.00
Zinc 3156.00 3150.00 6.00 3128.00 3125.00 3.00