27 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 27 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2119.00 2175.00 -56.00 2142.00 2188.00 -46.00
Al Alloy 1825.00 1825.00 0.00 1840.00 1840.00 0.00
NASAAC 1880.00 1945.00 -65.00 1910.00 1960.00 -50.00
Copper 6831.50 6965.00 -133.50 6851.00 6990.50 -139.50
Lead 2431.00 2492.00 -61.00 2434.00 2496.00 -62.00
Nickel 11370.00 11845.00 -475.00 11375.00 11890.00 -515.00
Tin 19800.00 20200.00 -400.00 19650.00 19920.00 -270.00
Zinc 3201.00 3301.00 -100.00 3145.00 3228.00 -83.00

26 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 26 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2175.00 2149.50 25.50 2188.00 2159.00 29.00
Al Alloy 1825.00 1825.00 0.00 1840.00 1840.00 0.00
NASAAC 1945.00 1930.00 15.00 1960.00 1940.00 20.00
Copper 6965.00 6970.50 -5.50 6990.50 6991.00 -0.50
Lead 2492.00 2485.50 6.50 2496.00 2495.00 1.00
Nickel 11845.00 11860.00 -15.00 11890.00 11890.00 0.00
Tin 20200.00 19850.00 350.00 19920.00 19725.00 195.00
Zinc 3301.00 3251.50 49.50 3228.00 3187.00 41.00

25 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 25 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2149.50 2144.00 5.50 2159.00 2156.00 3.00
Al Alloy 1825.00 1825.00 0.00 1840.00 1840.00 0.00
NASAAC 1930.00 1870.00 60.00 1940.00 1910.00 30.00
Copper 6970.50 7073.50 -103.00 6991.00 7096.00 -105.00
Lead 2485.50 2504.00 -18.50 2495.00 2508.00 -13.00
Nickel 11860.00 11950.00 -90.00 11890.00 12020.00 -130.00
Tin 19850.00 19835.00 15.00 19725.00 19725.00 0.00
Zinc 3251.50 3265.00 -13.50 3187.00 3200.00 -13.00

24 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 24 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2144.00 2133.50 10.50 2156.00 2145.00 11.00
Al Alloy 1825.00 1825.00 0.00 1840.00 1840.00 0.00
NASAAC 1870.00 1880.00 -10.00 1910.00 1900.00 10.00
Copper 7073.50 6959.00 114.50 7096.00 6990.00 106.00
Lead 2504.00 2472.00 32.00 2508.00 2479.00 29.00
Nickel 11950.00 11745.00 205.00 12020.00 11810.00 210.00
Tin 19835.00 19750.00 85.00 19725.00 19600.00 125.00
Zinc 3265.00 3176.00 89.00 3200.00 3122.00 78.00

23 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 23 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2133.50 2159.00 -25.50 2145.00 2166.00 -21.00
Al Alloy 1825.00 1825.00 0.00 1840.00 1840.00 0.00
NASAAC 1880.00 1908.00 -28.00 1900.00 1930.00 -30.00
Copper 6959.00 7008.50 -49.50 6990.00 7035.00 -45.00
Lead 2472.00 2502.00 -30.00 2479.00 2513.00 -34.00
Nickel 11745.00 12050.00 -305.00 11810.00 12100.00 -290.00
Tin 19750.00 19925.00 -175.00 19600.00 19800.00 -200.00
Zinc 3176.00 3208.00 -32.00 3122.00 3150.00 -28.00

20 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 20 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2159.00 2128.50 30.50 2166.00 2138.50 27.50
Al Alloy 1825.00 1825.00 0.00 1840.00 1840.00 0.00
NASAAC 1908.00 1910.00 -2.00 1930.00 1930.00 0.00
Copper 7008.50 6920.00 88.50 7035.00 6965.00 70.00
Lead 2502.00 2491.00 11.00 2513.00 2497.00 16.00
Nickel 12050.00 11680.00 370.00 12100.00 11740.00 360.00
Tin 19925.00 20100.00 -175.00 19800.00 19950.00 -150.00
Zinc 3208.00 3170.00 38.00 3150.00 3108.00 42.00

19 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 19 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2128.50 2106.50 22.00 2138.50 2126.00 12.50
Al Alloy 1825.00 1825.00 0.00 1840.00 1840.00 0.00
NASAAC 1910.00 1845.00 65.00 1930.00 1880.00 50.00
Copper 6920.00 6971.50 -51.50 6965.00 7012.00 -47.00
Lead 2491.00 2493.00 -2.00 2497.00 2506.00 -9.00
Nickel 11680.00 11745.00 -65.00 11740.00 11815.00 -75.00
Tin 20100.00 20050.00 50.00 19950.00 19930.00 20.00
Zinc 3170.00 3185.00 -15.00 3108.00 3129.00 -21.00

18 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 18 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2106.50 2111.00 -4.50 2126.00 2136.00 -10.00
Al Alloy 1825.00 1825.00 0.00 1840.00 1840.00 0.00
NASAAC 1845.00 1850.00 -5.00 1880.00 1880.00 0.00
Copper 6971.50 7046.00 -74.50 7012.00 7065.00 -53.00
Lead 2493.00 2496.00 -3.00 2506.00 2510.00 -4.00
Nickel 11745.00 11675.00 70.00 11815.00 11745.00 70.00
Tin 20050.00 20775.00 -725.00 19930.00 20600.00 -670.00
Zinc 3185.00 3130.00 55.00 3129.00 3102.00 27.00

16 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 16 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2144.00 2140.00 4.00 2159.50 2160.50 -1.00
Al Alloy 1830.00 1835.00 -5.00 1845.00 1850.00 -5.00
NASAAC 1830.00 1900.00 -70.00 1850.00 1940.00 -90.00
Copper 7063.00 6858.00 205.00 7082.00 6886.50 195.50
Lead 2566.00 2542.00 24.00 2577.00 2551.00 26.00
Nickel 11790.00 11605.00 185.00 11860.00 11670.00 190.00
Tin 20825.00 20925.00 -100.00 20700.00 20705.00 -5.00
Zinc 3321.00 3325.00 -4.00 3261.00 3245.50 15.50

13 October 2017 LME Prices

London Metal Exchange
Official and Previous Day Prices 13 October 2017
USD/MT Cash seller & Settlement 3 Months seller
Official Previous Day Prices   +/-   Official Previous Day Prices   +/-  
Aluminum 2140.00 2117.50 22.50 2160.50 2143.00 17.50
Al Alloy 1835.00 1835.00 0.00 1850.00 1850.00 0.00
NASAAC 1900.00 1881.00 19.00 1940.00 1905.00 35.00
Copper 6858.00 6813.00 45.00 6886.50 6852.00 34.50
Lead 2542.00 2568.50 -26.50 2551.00 2577.00 -26.00
Nickel 11605.00 11195.00 410.00 11670.00 11220.00 450.00
Tin 20925.00 20900.00 25.00 20705.00 20755.00 -50.00
Zinc 3325.00 3333.00 -8.00 3245.50 3260.00 -14.50