London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 27 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2117.00 | 2116.00 | 1.00 | 2140.00 | 2137.50 | 2.50 |
Al Alloy | 1780.00 | 1780.00 | 0.00 | 1790.00 | 1790.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1930.00 | 1914.00 | 16.00 | 1950.00 | 1940.00 | 10.00 |
Copper | 6426.00 | 6423.00 | 3.00 | 6475.00 | 6480.00 | -5.00 |
Lead | 2458.00 | 2490.00 | -32.00 | 2461.00 | 2491.00 | -30.00 |
Nickel | 10530.00 | 10450.00 | 80.00 | 10600.00 | 10525.00 | 75.00 |
Tin | 20850.00 | 20900.00 | -50.00 | 20655.00 | 20635.00 | 20.00 |
Zinc | 3150.00 | 3165.00 | -15.00 | 3125.00 | 3113.00 | 12.00 |
26 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 26 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2116.00 | 2128.00 | -12.00 | 2137.50 | 2148.00 | -10.50 |
Al Alloy | 1780.00 | 1780.00 | 0.00 | 1790.00 | 1790.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1914.00 | 1941.50 | -27.50 | 1940.00 | 1960.00 | -20.00 |
Copper | 6423.00 | 6416.00 | 7.00 | 6480.00 | 6460.00 | 20.00 |
Lead | 2490.00 | 2513.00 | -23.00 | 2491.00 | 2509.00 | -18.00 |
Nickel | 10450.00 | 10395.00 | 55.00 | 10525.00 | 10480.00 | 45.00 |
Tin | 20900.00 | 20825.00 | 75.00 | 20635.00 | 20600.00 | 35.00 |
Zinc | 3165.00 | 3168.00 | -3.00 | 3113.00 | 3105.00 | 8.00 |
25 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 25 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2128.00 | 2137.00 | -9.00 | 2148.00 | 2160.00 | -12.00 |
Al Alloy | 1780.00 | 1775.00 | 5.00 | 1790.00 | 1785.00 | 5.00 |
NASAAC | 1941.50 | 1935.50 | 6.00 | 1960.00 | 1960.00 | 0.00 |
Copper | 6416.00 | 6405.00 | 11.00 | 6460.00 | 6450.00 | 10.00 |
Lead | 2513.00 | 2477.50 | 35.50 | 2509.00 | 2480.00 | 29.00 |
Nickel | 10395.00 | 10580.00 | -185.00 | 10480.00 | 10650.00 | -170.00 |
Tin | 20825.00 | 20845.00 | -20.00 | 20600.00 | 20625.00 | -25.00 |
Zinc | 3168.00 | 3113.50 | 54.50 | 3105.00 | 3077.00 | 28.00 |
22 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 22 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2137.00 | 2154.00 | -17.00 | 2160.00 | 2174.50 | -14.50 |
Al Alloy | 1775.00 | 1775.00 | 0.00 | 1785.00 | 1785.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1935.50 | 1961.00 | -25.50 | 1960.00 | 1990.00 | -30.00 |
Copper | 6405.00 | 6407.50 | -2.50 | 6450.00 | 6453.00 | -3.00 |
Lead | 2477.50 | 2472.00 | 5.50 | 2480.00 | 2470.00 | 10.00 |
Nickel | 10580.00 | 10860.00 | -280.00 | 10650.00 | 10940.00 | -290.00 |
Tin | 20845.00 | 20750.00 | 95.00 | 20625.00 | 20580.00 | 45.00 |
Zinc | 3113.50 | 3098.00 | 15.50 | 3077.00 | 3078.00 | -1.00 |
21 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 21 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2154.00 | 2164.00 | -10.00 | 2174.50 | 2191.00 | -16.50 |
Al Alloy | 1775.00 | 1760.00 | 15.00 | 1785.00 | 1770.00 | 15.00 |
NASAAC | 1961.00 | 1950.00 | 11.00 | 1990.00 | 1965.00 | 25.00 |
Copper | 6407.50 | 6520.00 | -112.50 | 6453.00 | 6565.00 | -112.00 |
Lead | 2472.00 | 2443.00 | 29.00 | 2470.00 | 2462.50 | 7.50 |
Nickel | 10860.00 | 11375.00 | -515.00 | 10940.00 | 11470.00 | -530.00 |
Tin | 20750.00 | 20855.00 | -105.00 | 20580.00 | 20730.00 | -150.00 |
Zinc | 3098.00 | 3170.00 | -72.00 | 3078.00 | 3157.00 | -79.00 |
20 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 20 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2164.00 | 2107.50 | 56.50 | 2191.00 | 2132.00 | 59.00 |
Al Alloy | 1760.00 | 1725.00 | 35.00 | 1770.00 | 1770.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1950.00 | 1940.50 | 9.50 | 1965.00 | 1970.00 | -5.00 |
Copper | 6520.00 | 6492.00 | 28.00 | 6565.00 | 6540.00 | 25.00 |
Lead | 2443.00 | 2381.00 | 62.00 | 2462.50 | 2410.00 | 52.50 |
Nickel | 11375.00 | 10950.00 | 425.00 | 11470.00 | 11020.00 | 450.00 |
Tin | 20855.00 | 20925.00 | -70.00 | 20730.00 | 20725.00 | 5.00 |
Zinc | 3170.00 | 3123.50 | 46.50 | 3157.00 | 3097.00 | 60.00 |
19 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 19 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2107.50 | 2066.50 | 41.00 | 2132.00 | 2096.00 | 36.00 |
Al Alloy | 1725.00 | 1760.00 | -35.00 | 1770.00 | 1770.00 | 0.00 |
NASAAC | 1940.50 | 1920.50 | 20.00 | 1970.00 | 1945.00 | 25.00 |
Copper | 6492.00 | 6487.00 | 5.00 | 6540.00 | 6534.50 | 5.50 |
Lead | 2381.00 | 2369.00 | 12.00 | 2410.00 | 2395.00 | 15.00 |
Nickel | 10950.00 | 11090.00 | -140.00 | 11020.00 | 11150.00 | -130.00 |
Tin | 20925.00 | 20825.00 | 100.00 | 20725.00 | 20675.00 | 50.00 |
Zinc | 3123.50 | 3109.50 | 14.00 | 3097.00 | 3086.50 | 10.50 |
15 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 15 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2068.00 | 2065.00 | 3.00 | 2100.00 | 2090.50 | 9.50 |
Al Alloy | 1760.00 | 1750.00 | 10.00 | 1770.00 | 1760.00 | 10.00 |
NASAAC | 1867.50 | 1915.50 | -48.00 | 1895.00 | 1935.00 | -40.00 |
Copper | 6457.00 | 6418.50 | 38.50 | 6500.00 | 6459.00 | 41.00 |
Lead | 2317.00 | 2266.50 | 50.50 | 2342.00 | 2292.00 | 50.00 |
Nickel | 11005.00 | 11265.00 | -260.00 | 11085.00 | 11350.00 | -265.00 |
Tin | 20675.00 | 20750.00 | -75.00 | 20550.00 | 20555.00 | -5.00 |
Zinc | 3042.00 | 2994.00 | 48.00 | 3039.00 | 2990.00 | 49.00 |
14 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 14 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2065.00 | 2083.00 | -18.00 | 2090.50 | 2117.50 | -27.00 |
Al Alloy | 1750.00 | 1701.00 | 49.00 | 1760.00 | 1730.00 | 30.00 |
NASAAC | 1915.50 | 1930.50 | -15.00 | 1935.00 | 1955.00 | -20.00 |
Copper | 6418.50 | 6527.00 | -108.50 | 6459.00 | 6572.00 | -113.00 |
Lead | 2266.50 | 2274.00 | -7.50 | 2292.00 | 2302.00 | -10.00 |
Nickel | 11265.00 | 11485.00 | -220.00 | 11350.00 | 11575.00 | -225.00 |
Tin | 20750.00 | 20800.00 | -50.00 | 20555.00 | 20700.00 | -145.00 |
Zinc | 2994.00 | 3050.00 | -56.00 | 2990.00 | 3050.00 | -60.00 |
13 September 2017 LME Prices
London Metal Exchange | ||||||
Official and Previous Day Prices 13 September 2017 | ||||||
USD/MT | Cash seller & Settlement | 3 Months seller | ||||
Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | Official | Previous Day Prices | +/- | |
Aluminum | 2083.00 | 2083.00 | 0.00 | 2117.50 | 2117.50 | 0.00 |
Al Alloy | 1701.00 | 1715.00 | -14.00 | 1730.00 | 1735.00 | -5.00 |
NASAAC | 1930.50 | 1940.00 | -9.50 | 1955.00 | 1980.00 | -25.00 |
Copper | 6527.00 | 6601.50 | -74.50 | 6572.00 | 6644.00 | -72.00 |
Lead | 2274.00 | 2233.00 | 41.00 | 2302.00 | 2260.50 | 41.50 |
Nickel | 11485.00 | 11535.00 | -50.00 | 11575.00 | 11650.00 | -75.00 |
Tin | 20800.00 | 20820.00 | -20.00 | 20700.00 | 20680.00 | 20.00 |
Zinc | 3050.00 | 3056.50 | -6.50 | 3050.00 | 3063.50 | -13.50 |